Leaving Certificate Irish Paper 1
Cárthach - Higher Level 
Nach álainn a bhí sí! (Dar liom)!Cheap mé go raibh an cluastuisint cóir, níor bhraith mé go mbeadh fadhb ag éinne le foclóir srl. Bhí cúpla ceist a chur brú orm claoninsint a úsáid, ach ní raibh sé seo éigeantach!The listening comprehension was nice, nothing too technical I don't think, however two places I thought you had to use indirect speech, which is uncommon, but it wasn't necessary!The essay titles were very good, there really was a wide variety of open topics to interpret in different ways and pretty much everyone I talked to before the exams were hoping for some topic in particular and some essay suited them!Bhí dóthain seansanna ann dóibh siúd a d'ullmhaigh ábhair ar 1916, fadhbanna an lae inniu agus gnáth aistí a bhíonn ar fáil i ngach téacsleabhair agus fós a thug deiseanna do lucht labhartha na Gaoluinne a gcaighdeán a thaispeáint!Best moment is when you know the band in the listening and knew how they were busy last summer before the speaker said it, hup An Crann Óg!
Ellen - Higher Level 
Finally my prayers have been answered - in the form of an aiste on imirce, would you believe it? Imirce is my jam and the nathanna deasa were flowing. Unfortunately, I had a few mishaps with grammar which I know even now- let that be a lesson kids, don't use the modh conníolladh if you actually don't know how!Even the listening was quite doable this year, with all of the SEC's favourite focail getting a mention - ina measc feachtas, deontas, míle and eagraíocht. Irish paper I was lovely and relaxed, in complete contrast to what's expected tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm off to watch the Euros!
Liam - Higher Level 
Táim croíbhriste lads. No more "Léigh anois go cúramach ar the scrúdpháipéar na treoracha agus na ceisteanna a ghabhann le cuid A" or that reassuring beep that prepares you for the banter that's about to unfold. I thought the cluastuiscint was actually pretty okay! Delighted the Donegal only made an appearance in Fógra a hAon too, no offence muintir Dún na nGall! It was a good cluastuiscint. Anyone else like the big where Clíona seemed a big p'd off at Seán for not doing TY..? Only me...? Oh well, at least I enjoyed that cluastuiscint!It took me a good 10-12 minutes to decide what Aiste to do, it's alright guys, you can afford the time on Paper 1. I eventually went with 'Cultúr na ndaoine óga' and planned and wrote the essay about different aspects of a young person's life. I kept an eye out for the grammar when I writing it because again in Paper 1, you've got the time for it! 5 pages later and a last grammatical read-over and 4:20 pm showed up.I'm happy with Paper 1, who doesn't like a good aiste like! Tomorrow is where the fun'll happen, cannot wait! Ubh agus chips to celebrate!
Emma - Higher Level 
Irish paper one!! Another dream paper for me!! The listening was very, very simple compared to previous years, with little Donegal accents evident, which is always a good sign! The topics were interesting and relevant like TY, Conradh na Gaeilge and so on!Onto the written paper. I only prepared two essays but a wide range of topics so I felt ready for whatever could have been thrown. Surprisingly the titles were extremely relevant and matched predictions- 1916, imirce and of course the most chosen essay - Daoine Óga! I, like most people, picked the young peoples essays and discussed it with regards to a couple of main topics- the education system and point system, alcohol and drugs, mental health and the implications of suicide, weight issues and unemployment! This essay title was wide open to a lot of interpretation which is always handy! Overall I tipped the 5 page mark and stayed until the very end reading it over and over again. I also did a rough draft of the essay on an extra sheet of paper to ensure everything was word perfect and that my phrasing made sense. Time flies rewriting the essay! I also spent about 30 mins planning the essay, making spider diagrams and signposting each topic back to the title. It is key to ensure your essay is relevant!I can't WAIT to see what's in store for paper two tomorrow! Go bhfóire Dia orainn!
Craig - Higher Level 
I don't know why exactly I'm doing this but today I jumped from Ordinary Level of two years to Higher Level. Today's listening test was insane, I'm not sure what happened there. I did the essay on wonder. I fitted the typical gardai sa teach story in and brought in the wonder as to who they where because they'd masks on.Candles welcome of course to pray for what could be joyous or revolting tomorrow. I'm not sane.
Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ie