National Consultation with children and young people

on the new National Children’s Strategy (2012-2017)Monday, 4th April – Friday, 8th April 2011

Work has commenced in the Department of Children on the development of a new NationalChildren’s Strategy. The new Minister for Children, Frances Fitzgerald, TD, would like to findout the issues of real importance to children and young people all over the country in orderto inform the strategy. The national consultation will give them the opportunity to have theirvoices heard in relation to matters that directly affect their lives.Children and young people are invited to complete questionnaires in all schools andYouthreach Centres throughout the country from Monday, 4th April – Friday, 8thApril 2011. The questions were designed in consultation with children and young peoplethemselves and ask about what’s good, what’s not good and what they would change aboutbeing a child or young person in Ireland today.All data collected will be analysed by a consultation team at Trinity College, Dublin andfed into the development of the new National Children’s Strategy. A report of the children’sconsultation process will be published online later this year.This exciting project represents the Government’s commitment to the goals of the currentNational Children’s Strategy (2000-2010) and to the continued implementation of the UNConvention on the Rights of the Child. By helping promote this consultation, you are ensuringthat children and young people in Ireland will have their voices heard on issues of importanceto them.ISSU is very supportive of this consulation, and we look forward to working with the Department of Children on the implementation of this strategy over the upcoming years


The Final Countdown


Census 2011