State Examinations 2012

Irish Second-Level Students’ Union

PRESS STATEMENT                                            *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 05/06/12*

On the eve of the first day of the 2012 state examinations, thousands of Junior and Leaving Cert students across the country are thinking anxiously about their impending exams and trying to get as much last minute study done as possible.The State Exams are an extremely stressful time for students and the run up to these exams is often a time when students depend on Guidance Counsellors in schools most. For Leaving Certificate students especially, Guidance Counsellors provide an essential support as students are also faced with the stresses of deciding what path to follow when they leave school. Therefore, the Irish Second-level Students’ Union calls on the Department of Education and Skills to ensure that there will be no further threats to the provision of Guidance Counselling services in schools. A student’s mental health and well being is as important as the provision of education in schools and should not be allowed to suffer.The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union will be keeping an online blog ( during the state examinations with daily contributions from Junior Cert, Leaving Cert Applied and Leaving Cert students from across the country as well as official commentary on each paper from the ISSU.Top tips on exam best practices as well as how to keep stress levels to a minimum can also be found on www.issu.ieOn behalf of all the ISSU team, we would like to wish all students beginning the state examinations tomorrow, the very best of luck. ***ENDS***Notes to Editor:ISSU is the national umbrella body for school Student Councils, aiming to represent and connect Irish second-level students the length and breadth of the country, ensuring that the voice of the Irish second-level student is heard and striving for innovation and democracy within the education system. ISSU is a not-for profit student rights organisation.At ISSU we believe that young people are not merely citizens in waiting - we deserve better, we deserve to be heard. We can and will contribute positively to society. It is so important that our voices, views and opinions are (i) heard (ii) listened to (iii) and most importantly respected. This is what ISSU is all about. We’re here for you.Our main aims include:

  • To provide training and development of second-level school Student Councils, in conjunction with relevant bodies.
  • To develop policies on issues affecting Irish second-level students and bring the needs and rights of students to the attention of the relevant authorities.
  • To provide a transparent, democratic and reliable organisation.
  • To work in collaboration with other educational institutions and bodies both in Ireland and Europe.
  • To work closely with educational curriculum policy makers and teachers’ unions to continually develop a transparent, fair and modern education system.
  • And most importantly, to give students a structured platform through which the voice of the Irish second-level student will be heard.

ISSU represents students at a national level and is affiliated to; the WHEEL, NYCI, Anna Lindh Foundation, Stand up for Education Alliance, Children’s Mental Health Coalition and the Children’s Rights Alliance. On an international level, ISSU works closely with OBESSU. ISSU also works with curriculum development teams and various advisory, email or call 01 443 4461.


Junior Cert Students’ thoughts on the eve of the exams


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