Students Welcome Educate Together as a Second-Level School Patron


Irish Second-Level Students’ Union


Students Welcome Educate Together as a Second-Level School Patron

 The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU) welcomes today’s announcement that Educate Together has been approved as patron of 2 second-level schools. Educate Together have a long tradition in the primary sector and their presence in second-level is a great leap forward for Irish Education. This will be the first new model of a second-level school since the VEC Act in the1930s, and will allow for greater level of choice for parents and students, and will change the shape of the Education Sector in Ireland. Educate Together second-level schools will be committed to placing the student at the centre of the learning process, which the ISSU has always believed is essential in delivering an effective education for all students. ISSU President, Dylan Grace said; “Educate Together finally becoming a second-level patron will set the tone for the Educational Reform Agenda.  Curricula and syllabi reforms have been plentiful, but school patronage has been an issue long in need of reform and I am glad to see that it is finally happening.  This will help to create a modern education system for a modern Ireland”. ISSU Education Officer, Brendan Power, who sits on the Educate Together Second-Level Working Group said; "We warmly welcome the Ministers announcement today. It is a really positive step into the future of Irish Education. It should have an extremely progressive impact as we move forward and develop our young people into every aspect of life, in modern Ireland" *****************ENDS *****************Notes to Editor:The Irish Second-Level Students' Union is the national umbrella body for school Student Councils, aiming to represent and connect Irish second-level students the length and breadth of the country, ensuring that the voice of the Irish second-level student is heard and striving for innovation and democracy within the education system. Contact: ISSU Media Office – 01 443 4461 /


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