#HomeEc - #JC2017 - Katelyn Dunne
#JC2017 #HomeEcKatelyn Dunne - Ratoath CollegeHome ec is one of my all time favourite subjects. However I was still extremely nervous for the exam (like everyone is). I had a vague idea of what would kinda come up, but still pretty clueless of what I was to expect considering a lot of the papers had changed a little already. When I was given the paper I started of by looking through it first. I looked pretty good. I started of with the short questions and the where easy enough got stuck on one or two but that wasn't that bad then I did the long questions. I did question 1,3,4 and 5. They were straight forward. After the exam I feel it was fair and was similar to other year.
Geography - #LC2017 - Kate L. Ryan
Kate Ryan - Colaiste IascaighI'm not really sure how geography went if I'm honest. The paper seemed a bit weird in places and I'm almost certain I messed up with the timing. But all in all, it wasn't the worst. I think nearly everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief when they saw the geoecology questions in section 3. Everyone in my class was betting on human interference with biomes and luckily it paid off. I doubt I could have written as much on anything else.

English - #LC2017 - Alex Fogerty
#LC2017 - #EnglishAlex Fogarty - Ratoath CollegeWell, that went well, thank you State Examinations! I was honestly so happy with this paper. I found it to be very fair and pretty well rounded. I answered Question A from Text 3, I enjoyed the theme of that particular text being childhood memories. The questions were very straight forward and I was grateful for that. I then went onto answer Question B from Text 2. Again a very straight forward question and it was actually just lovely. Asking about the biased media... All I had to was go on about Fake News and Donald Trump, easiest opinion piece, just do what I've been doing since November... Complain about Trump. Lastly, I chose No.3 for Section II of the paper. The Speech on Democracy at the World Youth Conference. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a nicer question! Loved waffling on about politics as I do best, and was even able to bring a very lovely, truthful anecdote. Loved this paper, I hope it went well for everyone else! #LC2017 #StateExams #ISSU17
English - #LC2017 - Michelle Chiperi Aivazova
Michelle Chiperi Aivazova - Colaiste Einde Salthill GalwayI woke up this morning feeling quite sick to the stomach, much like the thousands of other students sitting exams today.

Home Ec - #LC2017 - Michelle Chiperi Aivazova
Coláiste Einde - Galway.When I opened the paper, I panicked when I saw cheese processing. I didn't do an ounce of study in this, and I came to the conclusion that I didn't even study cheese, even though it's my favourite food :(Other then the cheese mishap, the exam went amazing!I flew through it, writing more than enough. I genuinely thought I'd be absolutely bummed for this subject, but now I think it'll be one of the best!I left the exam fifteen minutes early because I had looked through everything and I don't think there was anything else I could have done. I felt embarrassed walking in front of everyone else doing the exam, but they honestly didn't even look up to see me go.I hope they found it okay in the end!I'm not looking forward to English Paper II, but all I can do now is hope some last minute revision can help.
Leaving Cert Irish Paper 2
Keelyn - Higher Level
The Irish paper this year was an absolute delight. As my teacher had predicted Nelson Mandela was one of the comprehensions and of course Seamus Heaney managed to show his face in comprehension two. As many of us had predicted Dis and An Spailpin Fanach came up although the questions were quite strange. Dis came with the usual question about the role of Sean's wife but then a question about the importance of the survey and one to do with the comhra. You picked two out of the three.The spailpin question was one about the life of the spailpin, the feeling that most effected you and soemthing about the metre of the poem which I couldn't talk about in English not to mind Irish. An trial was a nice easy question about Bean Ui Chatasaigh and her role in the drama.I was quite surprised with how lovely and straightforward this paper was and im very happy about it overall:D
Sarah - Ordinary Level
The relief of having both Irish papers over and done with! After paper one I was kind of worried that they would give a hard paper two because paper one was easy enough (I thought anyway) but my god were we blessed! I tried cramming all those poems and stories in right before the test, which worked wonders.
I opened the paper and looked to the back to see what poems and stories came up. I was quite happy with the stories that came up because I literally went over them the night before and knew them off the top of my head! And the poems that came up - all I can say to whoever put Géibheann on the paper... THANK YOU!! That is my favorite poem... I knew it so well so as you can imagine I was pretty happy to see it there, plus I went over it just before the exam so it was fresh in my mind. I thought that the two comprehensions were decent enough.
The Irish used in both the passage and the questions was easily understood, in my opinion. Same with the poems and stories, I could understand the questions easily enough, with the exception of a few of course... I'm quite glad with the paper two we got and hope everyone else is too :)
Overall though both the papers, one and two, were decent enough and I really can't complain. I'm happy as can be :) I hope everyone else feels the same way I do and good luck with the rest of the exams!
Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.