#French - #LC2017 - Michelle Chiperi Aivazova
#LC2017#FrenchMichelle Chiperi Aivazova - Coláiste EindeThis morning I woke up not being able to stomach breakfast. French for me was a bluff exam, one I could have seriously just wrote down what I knew. That's what happened, the comprehensions were easy and the opinion pieces were all so easy I left an hour early because I had so much time.
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#ClassicalStudies - #LC2017 - Sarah Ní Chonghaile
#LC2017 #ClassicalStudiesSarah Ní Chonghaile - Ratoath CollegeHonestly, I was delighted with this paper as the sculpture and painting questions were very straight forward. I did the two Aeneid questions as I could spend all day criticising Aeneas- abandoning your girlfriend hmmm I smell a rat! I liked the Alexander the Great question about his relationships with women as I'd prepared that last month! The Oedipus question was very nice as well as it required me to use my critical thinking skills quite a bit! It was a very nice paper overall and I'm hoping that a good grade comes out of it!Check out more exam blogs here: http://issu.ie/the-issu-…/issu-exam-blogs-leaving-cert-2017/
#ClassicalStudies - #LC2017 - Katie Dignam

#German - #LC2017 - Gabriele Grudyte
#LC2017 #GermanGabriele Grudyte - St. Mary's Holy Faith Secondary School, KillesterToday I sat the German leaving cert paper. The one subject I love the most. I'm so happy with the way it turned out the topics that came up were amazing, couldn't have asked for a better paper.I'm a very slow writer so for me timing was always an issue, however I finished the exam right on time this time. I don't know what else I can say, I'm overall very happy with the German.If you do German I suggest you focus on the reading comprehensions. And then the letter and then the theme question and finally the Grammar.Quidditch came up in the aural, which is the last place I expected to come actually I never expected it to come up at all. I was very happy with the aural also. Overall I was very happy with the paper.Check out more exam blogs here: http://issu.ie/the-issu-…/issu-exam-blogs-leaving-cert-2017/
History - #JC2017 - Olivia Whelan
Olivia Whelan - Meánscoil Mhuire LongfordIn all, I really enjoy history, but like many others, coming up to a history exam I always get nervous as it's one of the more 'bulky' and 'heavy subjects. History always has me under pressure the night before studying.I was really hoping there would be a good selection of questions on this years paper.The exam began with the picture and document questions. These aren't too difficult as you're asked to refer back and get your answer from the passage or relate it to the picture. These questions were easily answered. Then followed 20 short questions where we had to answer 10, I did my best 10 with a few extra ones to be sure.Then it came to the people in history question, myself like others were hoping for Martin Luther or maybe another named person we had studied, but this year we were asked for example "a woman living in a names civilisation outside of Ireland" this is a very broad topic but I managed it well. After the two accounts , we had to read sources and answer questions , this went well and at the end we were asked to give a small account on a topic , we were very lucky to receives topics exactly to the mocks.Question 6 then my favourite section as I love Irish history , was to my favour very similar again to the mock , I was delighted with this and finished the exam with the renaissance and Irish history question. Overall I thought it was a very good paper. #StateExams2017
French - #JC2017 - Maria Hayes
Maria Hayes - Scoil RuainToday's French exam began with the listening comprehension. I am very happy with how this section of the exam went! I could understand the speakers much more easily than in the mocks, thankfully!Next I began the comprehensions which put me in the French 'zone'. I was happy with most of these questions with the exception of some of the questions in question 9. However I am happy with how I answered the questions!Last but not least I did the "written expression"! As I had thought, a note appeared as the first part of the question. I was well prepared for both a note or postcard so I didn't mind what the turnout was. I'm happy with how I wrote my note.The letter was the best part of the exam!! I love writing letters usually so this was my best section! I was delighted in the way that I could use "better late than never" in my letter. I learned this from the section 'Idioms and Proverbs' on the website/app "Duolingo". I had also prepared paragraphs for things I could be asked to write about in my letter. Thankfully nothing out of the blue appeared, except when I had to ask my pen pal if they had gone to the cinema recently. I think I handled that topic fairly well!I am delighted with how this exam went. I hope that the results won't disappoint me! Check out more exam blogs here: http://issu.ie/the-issu-exam-blogs-2017/