Leaving Certificate Music
Liam - Higher Level 
As I woke up this morning I felt a great wave of relief. My final exam, music. I've always struggled with the theory side of music but I wasn't nervous whatsoever for this exam, as all I could not think about was finishing this bloody leaving cert.
The first paper was the listening paper. I thought it went brilliantly. The question on Mozart, Sea Changes, Berlioz and the Beatles were all excellent. The essay went terribly however. I did the one about Irish song tradition but thankfully it's not worth many marks. We then had a fifteen minute break before paper two. I tried to study during this but I was just not able to.
Paper two was such a relief. I did question 1 and question 5 (the ones everyone do). They went very well. With just fifteen minutes left I finished. With a sigh of relief I handed up my paper. No more leaving cert <3 No more school <3 Finished at last <3
Emma - Higher Level 
Music!! The listening paper for me was a fail! The Mozart was so unexpected and that threw me for the rest of the paper! The written had two minor harmony and melodies and that's what I chose! They were quite nice and I was so HAPPY to see everyone else got C minor too!
Hopefully the listening won't affect me so much!! I'm so happy the leaving cert is over!!
Klara - Higher Level
The music listening paper could not have been better. At first when I saw that the third movement of Mozart's piano concerto came up as a long question I was really worried because it was the one I knew the least but the questions were actually very easy and general. Even the dictation type question was okay as they gave you options. The Berlioz excerpt was the idée fixe from Un Bal with questions on instrumentation and how it is used in the work. Next was a question on the Beatles' "When I'm 64". One of the questions was to differentiate the given verse (verse 2) and the first which is not included in the excerpt, I found this one difficult but the rest were fine. Deane was the fourth question with an excerpt of the main melody. I really dislike Deane and was dreading this question but I think it went ok. Again, we had to differentiate this section from when it is first heard in the piece and we also had to identify the percussion instruments.The Irish listening went pretty well overall. The essay titles were great. I was especially happy that an essay on O'Riada came up.The unheard listening was a bit different from the other years, as all the excerpts were from the same piece, as opposed to being from different pieces. The questions were also quite easy although I wasn't too sure about the last one which was to show how the music conveys the time of death. Overall, it was a very good paper.I wasn't as happy with the composing paper though, unfortunately. Both Q1 and Q5 were in the minor key, with an anacrusis. The melody wasn't too bad though as it was in 3/4 time. The Chords and Bassline question was pretty difficult though in my opinion as I found it difficult to get a good progression and bassline. I was writing up until the very last minute and didn't get the time to look over it at all. I think though, with the listening paper being so good, the exam went really well!Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ie
Junior Certificate Music (Listening, Composing & General Study)
Isobel - Higher Level 
After having a few days off since my previous exam, I felt well rested and ready for my music exam. I was fairly happy with how my practical exam went, apart from a few slip-ups due to nerves. I played two songs on the piano and two songs on the ukulele.Overall I thought it was a good paper. Question 1 was set songs, in which me and my classmates nearly started laughing when our favourite funny song came up, "Click go the Shears". Hoe-Down from Rodeo came up in the set works question. I was hoping that Peer Gynt would come up, but I think I dealt with the questions fairly well. I was really happy when I saw we had to write about a collector of Irish Music in question 3, and I wrote about Edward Bunting. Next was good old dictation, (everyone's favourite... not!) I've never really been confident about it but I think it was slightly easier than the mocks, and I'm hoping that I've picked some marks up for the rhythm, bar lines and end note. Some familiar songs were played in question 5, including a Glee cover of Imagine, a U2 song, and Eye of The Tiger!I found the triads question and the answering phrase question fine, however I thought that the chord progression question was a little tricky. Question 10 went well for me, as you weren't asked to write about 3 specific features of the songs you've studied, instead they asked you to just write a general account of the songs and include information about the features.All in all, I'm happy with how it went, and I hope everyone has a great Summer. We did it!Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ie
Junior Certificate Music
Jane - Higher Level
After being delighted with my music practical I had looked at my whole music situation fondly, that was, until I walked out of science on Thursday and didn't open a music book until last night. I think everyone else being on their holidays had definitely made me feel less stressed about music.After a big study session I went to bed last night very worried. I didn't want to let my teacher down who I get on very well with. It wasn't that bad, I have to say. Set songs were fab, the William tell overture came up, which I kind of rambled with when talking about what made the music sound like rain drops and wind. (Study the hell out of set works second years!!)Irish music was okay too, although again I kind of stretched it when talking about The Corrs, because I literally don't know anything about them. Dictation was well, dictation. It's never been my favourite question and I bet I did horribly in it but anyways. I haven't looked at a book for choice works or songs since about may I'd say but I actually got it right (miracle) the listening part of 5 was pretty hard too. The rest was a breeze, I was happy with all the melody writing etc.If I could do it again I definitely would not have left it until the night before, I hope my procrastination doesn't drag my grade down on my practical.Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.
Junior Cert Music
Keela - Higher Level
After a bit of difficulty with the c.d player, music finally started. I found that the listening was quite easy for all sections. I liked that way that for the set work question they asked you what "Farandole" was so it gave away what the first answer was. I also found the dictation quite easy and not as hard as past dictations. The chosen song we had to answer about was from the category of Musicals and operas. I was quite happy with this as I looked over the answer for this before the exam as I didn't get it right in the mocks :) The general study was easy as you know for definite what you need to learn. I was quite happy with the exam as were other music students in my year. :)
Please note: this post reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Unio