Think of the Students. It's real life, not just a timetable

Irish Second-Level Students' Union
The examination time is already a tiring, traumatic and nerve-wrecking time for everybody concerned without unnecessary added anxiety. Today, many were shocked to hear of a number of students sitting three exams in one day. These students had to undertake examinations for a combined total of a staggering nine hours! Some students reportedly did not have time to eat lunch until 5pm, and did not exit the exam hall until near sunset. One would imagine that they were too exhausted to  even attempt any last minute revision last night.
The ISSU recognises that arrangements such as these are in place in order to protect the integrity and credibility of the state examinations process but surely, alternate arrangements can be made to ensure students' well being throughout the exam period. Leaving Cert students are already under enough pressure without this added strain.
Brendan Power Education Officer for ISSU thinks "The whole situation should be avoided as it is not reasonable to expect a student to stay in an Exam Hall for such a length of time"
 The ISSU calls on the State Examinations Commission to investigate the feasibility of scheduling lesser subscribed examinations for the weekend days during the examination period to ensure students' well being whilst also continuing to protect the integrity and credibility of the state examinations process.
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Junior Cert Science


Leaving Cert History