Introducing YouthConnect

YouthConnect is an exciting new programme that will be rolled out in second-level schools nationwide during Autumn 2011. YouthConnect is a joint-initiative of the Irish Second Level Students’ Union (ISSU) and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU). The two organisations have come together combining expertise and resources to work on issues of mutual concern and interest.

YouthConnect aims to actively engage second-level students in their school enviornment through a series of school visits and activities. It will promote activism and solidarity in schools and workplaces among students and young workers. It will also provide training and support in the areas of active-citizenship, awareness of rights, student empowerment, student partipication and student council development and training.

This is a very exciting project for second-level schools and centres of education around Ireland. It will equip second-level students with knowledge that will empower them in the school and workplace environment.


Further information is available at or email



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