Irish - #LC2017 - Art O'Mahony

  #LC2017 #IrishArt O'Mahony - St Patrick's Secondary School CastleislandI absolutely littered the aural paper with aiste phrases as soon as I got it at 9.25, for fear I would forget them by the end! The anticipation of writing the 100 marker made me neglect the cluastuiscint slightly but it was actually lovely. Bar one or two questions and many a few spelling mistakes I think I scored fairly well. I thought to dialect was clearer than normal, especially the Kerry Irish which is always lovely!I tore into the aiste from there. I was hoping to do 'Breatimeach' but was a little thrown when I saw it in the Díospóireacht section. Instead I tackled Foréigean which allowed me to use most of what I had learned. I brought in The Troubles, terrorism and a few others things and overall was quite happy with it.Here's hoping paper two is as nice!#StateExams2017


Irish P2 - #LC2017 - Michelle Chiperi Aivazova


Science - #JC2017 - Maria Hayes