Regional Councils

It is official - Regional Councils are back this October and November! 

Regional Councils is an annual event usually held in the Autumn season where member schools in each region come together to make new friendships, discuss problems they face in their locality and most important to elect your new Regional Officers for the upcoming 2025 year!

Each Regional Councils will usually be held on a Tuesday or Thursday, the sign up form can be found with the corresponding region - your student council will most likely get an email about this.

Regional Councils is the most important event held each year because it’s to elect the new Regional Officers for the upcoming year of 2025, a more descriptive explanation of the role of a Regional Officer can be found below.

If you have any questions about Regional Councils, email or contact your student council liaison teacher - we cannot wait to see you at this years’ Regional Council!

Important Dates & Venues

We cordially invite you to attend a Regional Council in your region but remember that you go to the region that your school is in, we have listed the important dates and venues of when everything will happen! Please note all Councils start at 10:00AM and end at 3:00PM

  • Oct. 8th: TBD

  • Oct. 10th: TBD

  • Oct. 15th: TBD

  • Oct. 17th: TBD

  • Oct. 22nd: TBD

  • Oct. 24th: Kerry - MTU Kerry

  • MID TERM BREAK: No Regional Councils Scheduled for this week!

  • Nov. 5th: TBD

  • Nov. 7th: TBD

  • Nov. 12th: Laois Offaly - Portlaois Council

  • Nov. 14th: TBD

  • Nov. 19th: Donegal - ATU Letterkenny Campus (CoLab Innovation Center)

  • Nov. 21st: TBD

  • Nov. 26th: Mayo Sligo Leitrim - ATU Sligo Campus (Hume Hall)

  • Nov. 28th: Wexford - Wexford Council (Council Chambers)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the role of a Regional Officer?

A regional officer has many roles and responsibilities - they are the main officers who connect with our grassroots which include important stakeholders with whom they collaborate with but not always (e.g. students, ISSU school representatives, Coiste Gnó, ETBs, member schools of ISSU, organisations/unions, media). Some of their responsibilities include:

  1. Represent students from their ISSU region

  2. Uplift student’s voices and ensuring their voices can be heard

  3. Work to resolve issues that students and/or themselves face

  4. Collaborate with other regions around them

  5. Engage and recruit students to be more involved with ISSU

  6. Solve issues that students and/or themselves face with the education system

What will happen on the day of a Regional Council?

Each Regional Council has different packed agendas but throughout the day, you will learn about the work of the ISSU, the projects that the outgoing Regional Officers have been doing, projects that you wish for the incoming Regional Officers to work on, and elections!

I want to run to become a Regional Officer but I am scared, how will they work?

We agree that it is extremely terrifying, but don’t fret! Running to become a Regional Officer is great and you going up there is an amazing achievement but you never know where the torch will bring you towards. Candidates running for Regional Officers are required to say a small election speech about i) why they should vote for you and ii) what experiences they have or what you can bring that other candidates don’t have. It’s okay to feel worried or anxious about running, but you never know what’ll happen. It’s okay if you lose because there are still many opportunities in ISSU and we’d love to have you involved if you are defeated.

I have never attended a Regional Council or ISSU event before, what do I need to know?

Although it can be worrying going into an event and you don’t know anyone but don’t worry about it being your first time attending this event! Upon registration, a consent form was sent to your parent/guardian and this needs to be filled in before the event.

Who should attend?

Everyone is welcome although there are a few restrictions. At each regional council, member schools are entitled to a maximum of 2 voting delegates, as well as a minimum of 2 non-voting delegates. The Student Council Liaison Teacher(s) are recommended to attend if the student(s) are unsure of where to go or if they are under the age of 18 although it is up to the school’s guidelines.

Are Regional Councils free to attend?

Regional Councils are free to attend although you are not entitled for reimbursement regards travel - this means yourself or the school will cover the cost of your travel.

Do I need to wear my uniform?

You are not obliged to wear your uniform unless stated by your school otherwise, whatever you feel comfortable in or (smart) casual!

Do I need to bring a lunch?

Lunch will be provided to all attendees on the day. Any dietary requirements will be asked to be filled out in the sign up form. Please note that ISSU will be unable to meet any dietary requirements not disclosed on the form. ISSU also strictly prohibits any snacks containing nuts or shellfish products at our events. 

How many students may attend per school?

2 voting and 2 observing students may attend per member school. This is the maximum allowance per member school. Non member schools may send 2 observers. 

Does a teacher have to attend with the students? 

ISSU always encourages a teacher to accompany students for Child Protection and Safeguarding. While this is encouraged it is not mandatory, as the ISSU DLP will be in attendance at all of the Regional Councils and adequate numbers for Child Protection will be adhered to.