Maths P2 - #JC2017 - Diego Brule

Diego Brule - Colaiste Einde Salthill GalwayPaper two is the easier of the two, I said. It won't be that hard, I said. Well, this maths paper 2 was just about the most confusing maths paper I've done up to now.When I first opened the exam at 9:30, my sleepy self immediately wanted to cry at the complexity of the questions, even at the beginning at the paper. But I worked through the easy ones first: some statistics, simple volumes, simple trigonometry. I left one or two blank spaces as I moved on.As my brain was getting warmed up, the complexity of the questions seemed to disappear, and I worked through the paper ever so relaxed, until I came to a very difficult trig question and a proof that was easy but I hadn't studied recently so I just skipped it for the time being.11:45: I finish all the simple parts of the exam, having left behind three questions to look over. The challenge had begun. I did the proof which actually was very easy, and I filled in a probability question that I had left blank. Now, to the final boss, the trig question, in which I had no idea what theorem they were asking about (It was a very weird circle)How did I conquer it you might ask? I used the legendary technique of staring at it, as if was going to give me the answer. But eventually, it actually worked. After 10 minutes or so of staring at it, I noticed something that allowed me to do the maths to find out the measurement of the angle they were looking for.After all this was the easier of the two papers, its simplicity hidden away under confusing wording and contexts, and very little information. I'm pretty happy with it, and I guess it taught me: There is no such thing as a question you don't know the answer to, you just haven't stared at it for long enough#StateExams2017 


Science - #JC2017 - Diego Brule


Maths P1 - #JC2017 - Maria Hayes