Minister Quinn welcomes Second Level Students’ Union proposals on naming the reformed junior cycle awards

Ruairi Quinn, T.D., Minister for Education and Skills today thanked the Irish Second Level Student’s Union for their report entitled “Naming the Reformed Junior Cycle”.Commenting on the report, the Minister said “I warmly welcome the effort that has been committed to this project by the ISSU.  Their use of text messaging, social media, email and consultation sessions to engage students on the topic has set an excellent example for creating dialogue with the students themselves.”The report is being published on the Department’s website, and is being forwarded to education stakeholders for further discussion.The report includes a number of potential names for the reformed junior cycle, including STARS (School-based, Teacher-led Assessment and Reporting System) and ICA (Irish Comprehensive Assessment).The report shows that students strongly welcome the proposed reforms and particularly the emphasis on active learning and the changed approach to assessment.  One participant in the consultation stated “I think it will prepare students for life after the exams, instead of just for the exams”.In welcoming the report, Minister Quinn said “Young people are uniquely placed to take the lead in redesigning their learning. It is precisely this engagement and enthusiasm for self directed learning which we are trying to promote in the reforms, developing important skills which will serve throughout life”.


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