Officer Blog: Equality Officer - Eric Ehigie

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our Equality Officer, Eric Ehigie from Longford.

 I ran to become the Equality Officer as I wanted to bring a unique perspective to the role that has not been seen in the past. I am a fervent believer that equality is a right that all should have access to within and beyond the walls of the school and I wanted to work on emphasising the importance of guaranteeing that right to students. I also wanted to show people, by simply sitting on the executive, that ISSU is an organisation for all and regardless of your background, ethnicity or creed, you have a crucial role to play in the youth movement and your second-level student union. 

This year, I’ve worked on compiling as much data as I can about how students have been treated within the school environment- I’ve done this by releasing a survey on ‘Discrimination and Diversity’ in schools and also, by organising an Equality Consultation, which will hopefully take place at some point in the future. I have also gathered a diverse bundle of students to make an ‘Equality Team’. The Team help me to effectively carry out the goals on my manifesto that I was elected to complete and they bring forth a different viewpoint on the work I do as the Equality Officer, which has helped me greatly. I have led various projects and campaigns throughout the year also, such as the #WeAreOne campaign.

I would advise incoming NSE members to be yourself! You are elected for what you have to offer and for how you see the issues that are effecting students. Trust your abilities, and understand that you can bring things to the table that no one else can. 

I loved every moment spent on the NSE. I have met incredible people, made incredible friends, bettered myself and have learned so much about the power that young people have to yield change in Ireland. 


For more info on how to run for the NSE click here. Remember deadline to nominate yourself is the 26th or April!


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