Students' Union welcomes new Minister for Education

PRESS STATEMENT July 11th, 2014Students' Union welcomes new Minister for EducationThe ISSU today welcomes, An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny’s announcement that Jan O’ Sullivan will be the new Minister for Education and Skills. The ISSU looks forward to engaging with the newly appointed Minister on all relevant issues that affect the Irish education system and the country’s second-level students.ISSU President, Craig McHugh, stated "Deputy O'Sullivan has the potential to make an excellent Minister for Education, and I would personally like to congratulate her on her promotion. We look forward to working with her, and are hopeful for continued innovation and progression as started by Minister Quinn over the past three years"."We hope to meet with the new Minister in the next few weeks and are hopeful that she will engage with and work with students as equal partners in Education".ISSU's, Education Officer, Joanna Siewierska said "I would like to congratulate Jan O'Sullivan on her appointment as Minister for Education and wish her the very best of luck. I am looking forward to working with her and the Department on key policy issues, and that she will engage working with us to increase students' participation in decision making. I look forward to meeting with her soon".*****************ENDS *****************


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