Take stock and plan for your future. Bonus points certainly add up


Irish Second-Level Students' Union


Take stock and plan for your future

Bonus points certainly add up.

Consider you options carefully and say thanks to bonus points pushes you closer to where you want to be.

 The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union would like to wish all students the very best of luck with their CAO applications today, however the ISSU urges all students to take time to asses your options. Most students are very apprehensive this morning as they consider their options carefully. Many have close to the same points, or slightly less than what their course was last year, they are extremely concerned that the points could rise and they will miss out. The Union has welcomed the overall improvements in Maths results this year, however we caution the success of ‘Project Maths’. Speaking today, ISSU education officer, Brendan Power spoke of the calculated decision risk by some students. “Exam candidates made the rationale and calculated decision to work harder, to put themselves under pressure, and exhausting themselves to get them where they needed to be. Project Maths is still far from perfect and must be seriously looked at. However I would like to compliment and praise the decision to increase the points allocated to higher level maths”. Maths results overall have improved, and the main reason for this, we believe is the introduction of bonus points in the subject two years ago - adding to the pressure and the pressure cooker that is the points race and moving us further and further from an equitable and fair college entry system. Dylan Grace, President of ISSU echoed this ‘’unfortunately students who have taken the Ordinary Level Paper are now at a severe disadvantage, and many are struggling to obtain their required college course. More students took the Higher Level maths paper to cash in on the points incentive, adding further pressure on students and adding fuel to the already pressurised points race.  I, like many am still not convinced nor satisfied with Project Maths”. Students are urged to take time to asses their options and consider their futures carefully. The NPCpp helpline is available on 1800 265 165 and further information is available from the ISSU website (issu.ie) or by contacting the ISSU Team directly. We would like to remind students that if you do not get your first choice it is not the end of the world. There are many different routes into your course and you should seek advice if you are in this situation. It is recommended that you view all exam scripts should you have a concern about particular grades, and exhaust all efforts in getting where you want to be. *****************ENDS *****************Contact: 01 443 4461, communications@issu.ieNotes to Editor:The Irish Second-Level Students' Union is the national umbrella body for school Student Councils, aiming to representing and connecting Irish second-level students the length and breadth of the country, ensuring that the voice of the Irish second-level student is heard and striving for innovation and democracy within the education system. See www.issu.ie  


ISSU Congratulates Students on their Junior Cert Results


Well done on your results!