English - #LC2017 - Sarah Connolly

Sarah Connolly - Ratoath CollegeI sat my first leaving cert paper this morning and it's safe to say that I was nervous going in! I woke up at 4am convinced I was late!! But I wasn't and I got to school for our usual pre-exam breakfast (despite not being able to eat any of it because of allergies!). It was a grand paper, with no curveballs thrown in there. I did the Question A from text 1 which was a lovely piece about poetry. It had a lovely 15 mark question about why poetry benefitted you in there as well which suited me lovely! I was delighted to see a question like that. I got the question A done on time (which was a first for me!). I did the Question B of text 2 which was a fabulous piece about people's reliance on online news sources. I was dead chuffed with that as we are supposedly in a “fake news” era so it was very easy to pull ideas together for that. 

I was feeling good going into my composition and there wasn't an awful lot of choice on composition to be fair but there was a speech about democracy that suited me to a tee. I was absolutely delighted to write my composition on that. It took me about an hour and twenty minutes to get it done and I wrote about 6 pages (my handwriting is pretty little to be fair as I fit 15 words a line). I was dead happy with my work that I handed up. Now it wasn't perfect and I still have the big battle ahead tomorrow with paper 2 so I better go look over my last few notes!


CSPE - #JC2017 - Kurt Scott


English - #LC2017 - Alex Fogerty