Business - #JC2017 - Diego Brule

Diego Brule - Colaiste Einde Salthill GalwayBusiness P1 & P2If there was a single exam that scared the soul out of me, it was Business. Business was never my strong subject, strongly because of the high amount of memorisation that had to be done. The only topic I ever liked about business was economics on the bigger scale, but this is only 3 chapters out of about 30 chapters on the JC course.As I opened the exam in the short questions part, I felt delighted to see simple question after simple question. But I kept telling myself, don't be too happy, section 2 is coming. But in Paper 1, Section 2 wasn't actually that bad. I knew how to answer the 4 questions quite well, and when I got out of the exam I felt that went way better than expected, definitely better than in the mocks at least.Paper 2 was a nightmare though. Upon flicking through the pages to pick out which 4 questions I would answer out of the 6, I found that there were 2 questions in which I was confident in, and I knew the rest of the questions would ruin all my marks. But I hung on to it, I picked the lesser of the evils to answer, and wrote a lot, one of my pens even ran out on me!I finished it and I couldn't help but saying to myself: 'Huh, that wasn't too bad'. Of course, my expectations for business had hit rock bottom after the mocks, so that's probably why I felt better during this exam.Now I only have French, History, TG and Spanish left. I'm so glad the toughest are done.Check out more exam blogs here:


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